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Web Services Queries#
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from __future__ import annotations
import pygeoutils as geoutils
from pygeoogc import WFS, WMS, ArcGISRESTful, ServiceURL
from pynhd import NLDI
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import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message=".*Content metadata for layer.*")
PyGeoOGC and PyGeoUtils can be used to access any web services that are based on ArcGIS RESTful, WMS, or WFS. It is noted that although, all these web service have limits on the number of objects (e.g., 1000 objectIDs for RESTful) or pixels (e.g., 8 million pixels) per requests, PyGeoOGC takes care of dividing the requests into smaller chunks under-the-hood and then merges them.
Let’s get started by retrieving a watershed geometry using NLDI and use it for subsetting the data.
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basin = NLDI().get_basins("11092450")
basin_geom = basin.iloc[0].geometry
PyGeoOGC has a NamedTuple
called ServiceURL
that contains URLs of the some of the popular web services. Let’s use it to access NHDPlus HR Dataset RESTful service and get all the catchments that our basin contain and use pygeoutils.json2geodf
to convert it into a GeoDataFrame.
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hr = ArcGISRESTful(ServiceURL().restful.nhdplushr, 10, outformat="json")
oids = hr.oids_bygeom(basin_geom, "epsg:4326", spatial_relation="esriSpatialRelContains")
resp = hr.get_features(oids)
catchments = geoutils.json2geodf(resp)
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catchments.plot(figsize=(8, 8))
Note oids_bygeom
has an additional argument for passing any valid SQL WHERE clause to further filter the data on the server side. For example, let’s only keep the ones with an area of larger than 0.5 sqkm.
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oids = hr.oids_bygeom(basin_geom, geo_crs=4326, sql_clause="AREASQKM > 0.5")
catchments = geoutils.json2geodf(hr.get_features(oids))
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ax = catchments.plot(figsize=(8, 8))
ax.figure.savefig("_static/sql_clause.png", bbox_inches="tight", facecolor="w")
We can also submit a query based on IDs of any valid field in the database. If the measure property is desired you can pass return_m
as True
to the get_features
class method:
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oids = hr.oids_byfield("NHDPlusID", [5000500013223, 5000400039708, 5000500004825])
resp = hr.get_features(oids, return_m=True)
catchments = geoutils.json2geodf(resp)
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catchments.plot(figsize=(8, 8))
Next, let’s get DEM using the 3D Elevation Program WMS service. First we need to connect to the service using WMS
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wms = WMS(
Then we can get the data using the getmap_bybox
function. Note that this function only accepts a bounding box, so we need to pass a bounding box and mask the returned data later on using pygeoutils.gtiff2xarray
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bbox = basin_geom.bounds
r_dict = wms.getmap_bybox(
dem = geoutils.gtiff2xarray(r_dict, bbox, 4326)
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Next, let’s use WaterData service to get HUC8 using WFS
and CQL filter.
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layer = "wmadata:huc08"
wfs = WFS(
resp = wfs.getfeature_byfilter("huc8 LIKE '13030%'")
huc8 = geoutils.json2geodf(resp, 4269, 4326)
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huc8.plot(figsize=(8, 8))