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USGS STN Flood Event Data: High Water Marks#

The United States Geological Survey (USGS) operates a comprehensive flood event database known as the Short-Term Network (STN). The STN offers a user-friendly web front-end for easy access. For developers and scientists, there’s a RESTFul API available for more advanced queries and integrations. The STN offers access to a variety of data types including instruments, sites, high water marks, and peak summaries.

Focus: High Water Marks (HWMs)#

In this notebook, we’ll delve into the specifics of high water marks (HWMs) within the STN database. Here’s what you can expect:

  1. Data Dictionaries: Understand the structure and meaning of the data.

  2. Data Retrieval: Learn how to fetch all available data by type.

  3. Filtered Queries: Dive deeper with specific, filtered data requests.

  4. Data Limitations: We’ll also touch upon some of the known limitations including inconsistent field names and possibility for user introduced errors.

Additional Resources:#

For those interested in the methodology behind HWM collection, the USGS provides detailed resources:

Let’s begin by importing necessary dependencies.

from __future__ import annotations

from pathlib import Path

import matplotlib.lines as mlines
import matplotlib.markers as mmarkers
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd

import pygeohydro as gh
from pygeohydro import STNFloodEventData

After importing, we can start with how we can obtain all the HWM data available in the database as a GeoDataFrame. We have two options for get STN data: STNFloodEventData class or stn_flood_event function. The stn_flood_event function can only pull either the information dataset about the supported data_types by STN as a pandas.DataFrame or a subset of the actual data for the supported STN data_types as a geopandas.GeoDataFrame. Moreover, the STNFloodEventData class provides access to some other data about the STN service such as data dictionary.

For example, we can get information about HWMS data either using STNFloodEventData.get_all_data("hwms") or gh.stn_flood_event("hwms").

hwm_all = STNFloodEventData.get_all_data(
    "hwms", as_list=False, async_retriever_kwargs={"disable": True, "max_workers": 6}
hwm_id waterbody site_id event_id hwm_type_id hwm_quality_id hwm_locationdescription latitude_dd longitude_dd survey_date ... survey_member_id hwm_label files stillwater peak_summary_id last_updated last_updated_by uncertainty hwm_uncertainty geometry
0 13922 Swatara Creek 16106.0 123 1 1 HWM is located on inside of pavillion two 40.192896 -76.723080 2012-04-26T04:00:00 ... 202.0 no_label NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN POINT (-76.72308 40.1929)
1 17897 Atlantic Ocean 19148.0 24 1 3 Mud line on bench rocks and plants near IBA Cl... 41.894148 -70.536629 2017-06-05T04:00:00 ... 2.0 HWMMAPLY-402 NaN 0.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN POINT (-70.53663 41.89415)
2 19685 East Nishnabotna River 20005.0 168 5 6 U.S. Highway 34, seed line on flood wall (1 of... 41.026290 -95.243199 1998-07-28T05:00:00 ... 1757.0 HWM U/S NaN 1.0 3337.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN POINT (-95.2432 41.02629)
3 18530 Maquoketa River 19436.0 151 6 1 County Road X29/220th Avenue, southwest of Del... 42.410092 -91.363481 2010-07-30T05:00:00 ... 1755.0 USGS HWM D/S NaN 1.0 2710.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN POINT (-91.36348 42.41009)
4 19687 East Nishnabotna River 20005.0 168 2 6 U.S. Highway 34, debris line on guardrail (2 o... 41.026290 -95.243199 1998-07-28T05:00:00 ... 1757.0 HWM U/S NaN 1.0 3337.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN POINT (-95.2432 41.02629)

5 rows × 33 columns

hwm_all = gh.stn_flood_event("hwms")
print(f"There are {len(hwm_all)} HWMs in the database.")
There are 36979 HWMs in the database.

For an interactive map, we can use the explore method. There are at least 34,000 HWMs in the STN database scattered throughout the country. It’s important to note the possibility of outliers as this data is collected by people and liable to errors. Here, we plot a sample of 1000 HWMs.

    marker_kwds={"radius": 2},
    style_kwds={"stroke": False},
Make this Notebook Trusted to load map: File -> Trust Notebook

Next, we illustrate how a filtered query can be completed with the same HWM data. First we want to present what parameters are available to query. We can use the STNFloodEventData.hwms_query_params attribute for that.


We can a subset of HWMS data either using STNFloodEventData.get_filtered_data("hwms", query_params=query_params) or gh.stn_flood_event("hwms", query_params=query_params).

hwm_filtered = STNFloodEventData.get_filtered_data(
    async_retriever_kwargs={"disable": True},
    query_params={"States": "SC,NC"},
latitude longitude eventName hwmTypeName hwmQualityName verticalDatumName verticalMethodName approvalMember markerName horizontalMethodName ... hdatum_id flag_member_id survey_member_id uncertainty hwm_label files height_above_gnd hwm_uncertainty peak_summary_id geometry
0 33.681111 -78.891667 2017 Irma Seed line Good: +/- 0.10 ft NAVD88 Tape measure Matt Petkewich Marker RT-GNSS ... 2 1381.0 1381.0 0.02 HWM NaN NaN NaN NaN POINT (1566648.913 -286040.618)
1 33.681111 -78.891667 2020 Isaias Mud Good: +/- 0.10 ft NAVD88 RT-GNSS Andy Caldwell Marker Phone/Car GPS ... 2 1381.0 1381.0 0.02 HWM1 NaN 3.0 0.1 NaN POINT (1566648.913 -286040.618)
2 33.681111 -78.891667 2020 Isaias Mud Good: +/- 0.10 ft NAVD88 RT-GNSS Andy Caldwell Marker Phone/Car GPS ... 2 1381.0 1381.0 0.02 HWM2 NaN 3.0 0.1 NaN POINT (1566648.913 -286040.618)
3 35.281051 -76.662585 2011 Irene Seed line Excellent: +/- 0.05 ft NAVD88 Map (digital or paper) ... 2 36.0 NaN NaN no_label NaN NaN NaN NaN POINT (1731958.461 -71714.64)
4 34.311221 -77.733077 2018 Florence Debris Poor: +/- 0.40 ft NAVD88 RT-GNSS Steve Harden Stake Map (digital or paper) ... 2 761.0 1919.0 0.06 HWM-01 NaN 0.0 NaN NaN POINT (1658023.273 -197179.233)

5 rows × 54 columns

It’s important to note that the schemas for the three requests: all data, filtered data, and data dictionaries don’t necessarily agree.

# compares the columns
print(f"Do the columns have the same length?: {set(hwm_all.columns) == set(hwm_filtered.columns)}")

# compare columns
        pd.Series(hwm_all.columns, name="All HWM Fields"),
        pd.Series(hwm_filtered.columns, name="Filtered HWM Fields"),
Do the columns have the same length?: False
All HWM Fields Filtered HWM Fields
0 hwm_id latitude
1 waterbody longitude
2 site_id eventName
3 event_id hwmTypeName
4 hwm_type_id hwmQualityName

While many of the differences can be inferred, some of the discrepancies could lead to columns with ambiguous information. The USGS is working on an updated RESTFul API that should address this. These differences are available for the other data types, “instruments”, “peaks”, and “sites”, as well.

Now we will plot some of the HWMs. First we retrieve some state lines and project those as well as the filtered HWMs to the ‘EPSG:4329’ CRS.

carolina_lines = gh.get_us_states(["NC", "SC"]).to_crs("EPSG:4329")
hwm_filtered = hwm_filtered.to_crs("EPSG:4329")
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 4), dpi=150)

event_names = hwm_filtered.loc[:, "eventName"].unique()
markers = dict(zip(event_names, mmarkers.MarkerStyle.filled_markers[: len(event_names)]))

ax.set_title("HWMs - Height Above Ground (ft)", fontsize=9)
ax.set_xlabel("Longitude (deg)", fontsize=8)
ax.set_ylabel("Latitude (deg)", fontsize=8)

ax.tick_params(axis="both", which="major", labelsize=8)

vmin, vmax = (
    hwm_filtered.loc[:, "height_above_gnd"].min(),
    hwm_filtered.loc[:, "height_above_gnd"].max(),

legend = True
for i, (event_name, data) in enumerate(hwm_filtered.groupby("eventName")):
    if i == 1:
        legend = False


# Create a list of Line2D objects to use for the legend
legend_elements = [
    mlines.Line2D([0], [0], color="black", marker=markers[event_name], linestyle="None")
    for event_name in event_names

# Add the legend to the plot
    loc="lower right",
    title="Event Names",
    bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0),
    prop={"size": 5},

colorbar = plt.gcf().get_axes()[-1]

carolina_lines.plot(ax=ax, facecolor="none", edgecolor="black", linewidth=0.2)
fig.savefig(Path("_static", "hmws.png"), bbox_inches="tight", dpi=150)

Data Quality Issues#

Inspecting the figure above reveals a HWM in the Atlantic Ocean. Trying to pick that one out, we get the following information about the outlier. We only display a few of the fields that may contain the problem.

outlier = hwm_filtered.loc[hwm_filtered.latitude < 31, :].squeeze()
siteDescription     US Route 17 crossing of the Pee Dee and Waccam...
waterbody                                    Pee Dee / Waccamaw River
stateName                                                          SC
countyName                                          Georgetown County
latitude_dd                                                  30.36694
longitude_dd                                                -79.26778
site_latitude                                               33.365582
site_longitude                                              -79.25334
height_above_gnd                                                 2.68
Name: 1127, dtype: object

Inspecting the fields above reveals that this potential outlier should be in Georgetown County which is on the coast of South Carolina just south of Myrtle Beach.

It’s important to note that this service is fed by data by real people who are liable to make simple mistakes. It’s advised to take a look at your data and inspect for any inconsistencies prior to using for analysis.