This page was generated from 3dhp.ipynb. Interactive online version: Binder badge


from __future__ import annotations

import shapely

from pynhd import HP3D, NLDI

USGS 3DHP web service has five layers: hydrolocation, flowline, waterbody, drainage_area, and catchment. Let’s start by getting the closest flowline within a 10 m radius of a point.

nhd3d = HP3D("flowline")
point = shapely.Point(-89.441, 43.487)
flw = nhd3d.bygeom(point, distance=10)
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Next, we use NLDI to get the basin boundary of a NHD flowline and use it to query different layers of the 3DHP web service.

comid = "937070225"
basin = NLDI().get_basins(comid, "comid")
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nhd3d = HP3D("flowline")
network = nhd3d.bygeom(basin.geometry.iloc[0])
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nhd3d = HP3D("waterbody")
water = nhd3d.bygeom(basin.geometry.iloc[0])
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We can also query the service using mainstems.

dm = ("", "")
nhd3d = HP3D("flowline")
down_mains = nhd3d.byids("mainstemid", dm)
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Or using NHD ReachCode.

reachcode = "07070004002889"
nhd3d = HP3D("hydrolocation_reach")
hydrolocation = nhd3d.byids("universalreferenceid", reachcode)
geometry OBJECTID id3dhp featuredate mainstemid universalreferenceid gnisid gnisidlabel featuretype featuretypelabel edhuniqueid workunitid
0 POINT (-89.44179 43.48829) 5800707 01HAJW7 1694649600000 07070004002889 None None 10 Reachcode Start None None
1 POINT (-89.43904 43.48568) 25271902 01SVVYQ 1694649600000 07070004002889 None None 11 Reachcode End None None

Let’s query flowlines and hydrolocations for a list of mainstems.

nhd3d = HP3D("hydrolocation_reach")
mainstem_points = nhd3d.byids("mainstemid", hydrolocation["mainstemid"].to_list())
nhd3d = HP3D("flowline")
mainstem_lines = nhd3d.byids("mainstemid", hydrolocation["mainstemid"].to_list())
ax = mainstem_lines.plot(zorder=0, figsize=(8, 8))
mainstem_points.plot(ax=ax, color="k", markersize=8)
hydrolocation.plot(ax=ax, color="r", markersize=60, marker="*")
ax.legend(["Flowlines", "Mainstem Points", "Hydrolocation"])
ax.figure.savefig("_static/hydrolocation.png", bbox_inches="tight", dpi=300)