
Get data from 3DEP database.

Module Contents#

py3dep.py3dep.add_elevation(ds, resolution=None, x_dim='x', y_dim='y', mask=None)#

Add elevation data to a dataset as a new variable.

  • ds (xarray.DataArray or xarray.Dataset) – The dataset to add elevation data to. It must contain CRS information.

  • resolution (float, optional) – Target DEM source resolution in meters, defaults None, i.e., the resolution of the input ds will be used.

  • x_dim (str, optional) – Name of the x-coordinate dimension in ds, defaults to x.

  • y_dim (str, optional) – Name of the y-coordinate dimension in ds, defaults to y.

  • mask (xarray.DataArray, optional) – A mask to apply to the elevation data, defaults to None.


xarray.Dataset – The dataset with elevation variable added.

Return type:


py3dep.py3dep.check_3dep_availability(bbox, crs=4326)#

Query 3DEP’s resolution availability within a bounding box.

This function checks availability of 3DEP’s at the following resolutions: 1 m, 3 m, 5 m, 10 m, 30 m, 60 m, and topobathy (integrated topobathymetry).

  • bbox (tuple) – Bounding box as tuple of (min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y).

  • crs (str, int, or pyproj.CRS or pyproj.CRS, optional) – Spatial reference (CRS) of bbox, defaults to EPSG:4326.


dictTrue if bbox intersects 3DEP elevation for each available resolution. Keys are the supported resolutions and values are their availability. If the query fails due to any reason, the value will be Failed. If necessary, you can try again later until there is no Failed value.

Return type:

dict[str, bool | str]


>>> import py3dep
>>> bbox = (-69.77, 45.07, -69.31, 45.45)
>>> py3dep.check_3dep_availability(bbox)
{'1m': True, '3m': False, '5m': False, '10m': True, '30m': True, '60m': False, 'topobathy': False}
py3dep.py3dep.elevation_bycoords(coords: tuple[float, float], crs: CRSType = ..., source: Literal['tep', 'tnm'] = ...) float#
py3dep.py3dep.elevation_bycoords(coords: list[tuple[float, float]], crs: CRSType = ..., source: Literal['tep', 'tnm'] = ...) list[float]

Get elevation for a list of coordinates.

  • coords (tuple or list of tuple) – Coordinates of target location(s), e.g., [(x, y), ...].

  • crs (str, int, or pyproj.CRS or pyproj.CRS, optional) – Spatial reference (CRS) of coords, defaults to EPSG:4326.

  • source (str, optional) – Data source to be used, default to tep. Supported sources are tnm (using The National Map’s Bulk Point Query Service with 10 m resolution) and tep (using 3DEP’s static DEM VRTs at 10 m resolution). The tnm and tep sources are more accurate since they use the 1/3 arc-second DEM layer from 3DEP service but it is limited to the US. Note that tnm is bit unstable. It’s recommended to use tep unless 10-m resolution accuracy is not necessary.


float or list of float – Elevation in meter.

py3dep.py3dep.elevation_bygrid(xcoords, ycoords, crs, resolution, depression_filling=False)#

Get elevation from DEM data for a grid.

This function is intended for getting elevations for a gridded dataset.

  • xcoords (list) – List of x-coordinates of a grid.

  • ycoords (list) – List of y-coordinates of a grid.

  • crs (str, int, or pyproj.CRS or pyproj.CRS) – The spatial reference system of the input grid, defaults to EPSG:4326.

  • resolution (int) – The accuracy of the output, defaults to 10 m which is the highest available resolution that covers CONUS. Note that higher resolution increases computation time so chose this value with caution.

  • depression_filling (bool, optional) – Fill depressions before sampling using Wang and Liu (2006) method, defaults to False.


xarray.DataArray – Elevations of the input coordinates as a xarray.DataArray.

Return type:


py3dep.py3dep.elevation_profile(lines, spacing, crs=4326)#

Get the elevation profile along a line at a given uniform spacing.


This function converts the line to a spline and then calculates the elevation along the spline at a given uniform spacing using 10-m resolution DEM from 3DEP.

  • lines (LineString or MultiLineString) – Line segment(s) to be profiled. If its type is MultiLineString, it will be converted to a single LineString and if this operation fails, an InputTypeError will be raised.

  • spacing (float) – Spacing between the sample points along the line in meters.

  • crs (str, int, or pyproj.CRS, optional) – Spatial reference System (CRS) of lines, defaults to EPSG:4326.


xarray.DataArray – Elevation profile with dimension z and three coordinates: x, y, and distance. The distance coordinate is the distance from the start of the line in meters.

Return type:


py3dep.py3dep.get_dem(geometry, resolution, crs=4326)#

Get DEM data at any resolution from 3DEP.


This function is a wrapper of static_3dep_dem and get_map functions. Since static_3dep_dem is much faster, if the requested resolution is 10 m, 30 m, or 60 m, static_3dep_dem will be used. Otherwise, get_map will be used.

  • geometry (Polygon, MultiPolygon, or tuple of length 4) – Geometry to get DEM within. It can be a polygon or a boundong box of form (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax).

  • resolution (int) – Target DEM source resolution in meters.

  • crs (str, int, or pyproj.CRS, optional) – The spatial reference system of the input geometry, defaults to EPSG:4326.


xarray.DataArray – DEM at the specified resolution in meters and 5070 CRS.

Return type:


py3dep.py3dep.get_dem_vrt(bbox, resolution, vrt_path, tiff_dir='cache', crs=4326)#

Get DEM data at any resolution from 3DEP and save it as a VRT file.

  • bbox (tuple of length 4) – The boundong box of form (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax).

  • resolution (int) – Target DEM source resolution in meters.

  • vrt_path (str or pathlib.Path) – Path to the output VRT file.

  • tiff_dir (str or pathlib.Path, optional) – Path to the directory to save the downloaded TIFF file, defaults to ./cache.

  • crs (str, int, or pyproj.CRS, optional) – The spatial reference system of bbox, defaults to EPSG:4326.

py3dep.py3dep.get_map(layers: str, geometry: shapely.Polygon | shapely.MultiPolygon | tuple[float, float, float, float], resolution: int, geo_crs: CRSType = ..., crs: CRSType = ...) xarray.DataArray#
py3dep.py3dep.get_map(layers: list[str], geometry: shapely.Polygon | shapely.MultiPolygon | tuple[float, float, float, float], resolution: int, geo_crs: CRSType = ..., crs: CRSType = ...) xarray.Dataset

Access dynamic layer of 3DEP.

The 3DEP service has multi-resolution sources, so depending on the user provided resolution the data is resampled on server-side based on all the available data sources. The following layers are available:

  • DEM

  • Hillshade Gray

  • Aspect Degrees

  • Aspect Map

  • GreyHillshade_elevationFill

  • Hillshade Multidirectional

  • Slope Map

  • Slope Degrees

  • Hillshade Elevation Tinted

  • Height Ellipsoidal

  • Contour 25

  • Contour Smoothed 25

  • layers (str or list of str) – A valid 3DEP layer or a list of them.

  • geometry (Polygon, MultiPolygon, or tuple) – A shapely Polygon or a bounding box of the form (west, south, east, north).

  • resolution (int) – The target resolution in meters. The width and height of the output are computed in pixels based on the geometry bounds and the given resolution.

  • geo_crs (str, int, or pyproj.CRS, optional) – The spatial reference system of the input geometry, defaults to 4326.

  • crs (str, int, or pyproj.CRS, optional) – The spatial reference system to be used for requesting the data, defaults to 5070. Valid values are 4326, 3857, 3338, 3571, 3572, 3573, 3574, 3575, 3576, and 5070. Note that at the moment due to an issue on the server-side (USGS’s 3DEP web service), when passing 4326, the server returns invalid data. So it’s recommended to use 5070 for the time being.


xarray.DataArray or xarray.Dataset – The requested topographic data as an xarray.DataArray or xarray.Dataset.

py3dep.py3dep.query_3dep_sources(bbox, crs=4326, res=None)#

Query 3DEP’s data sources within a bounding box.

This function queries the availability of the underlying data that 3DEP uses at the following resolutions: 1 m, 3 m, 5 m, 10 m, 30 m, 60 m, and topobathy (integrated topobathymetry).

  • bbox (tuple) – Bounding box as tuple of (min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y).

  • crs (str, int, or pyproj.CRS or pyproj.CRS, optional) – Spatial reference (CRS) of bbox, defaults to EPSG:4326.

  • res (str, list of str, optional) – Resolution to query, defaults to None, i.e., all resolutions. Available resolutions are: 1m, 3m, 5m, 10m, 30m, 60m, and topobathy.


geopandas.GeoDataFrame – Polygon(s) representing the 3DEP data sources at each resolution. Resolutions are given in the dem_res column.

Return type:



>>> import py3dep
>>> bbox = (-69.77, 45.07, -69.31, 45.45)
>>> src = py3dep.query_3dep_sources(bbox)
>>> src.groupby("dem_res")["OBJECTID"].count().to_dict()
{'10m': 16, '1m': 4, '30m': 8}
>>> src = py3dep.query_3dep_sources(bbox, res="1m")
>>> src.groupby("dem_res")["OBJECTID"].count().to_dict()
{'1m': 4}
py3dep.py3dep.static_3dep_dem(geometry, crs, resolution=10)#

Get DEM data at specific resolution from 3DEP.


In contrast to get_map function, this function only gets DEM data at specific resolution, namely 10 m, 30 m, and 60 m. However, this function is faster. This function is intended for cases where only need DEM at a specific resolution is required and for the other requests get_map should be used.

  • geometry (Polygon, MultiPolygon, or tuple of length 4) – Geometry to get DEM within. It can be a polygon or a boundong box of form (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax).

  • crs (int, str, of pyproj.CRS) – CRS of the input geometry.

  • resolution (int, optional) – Target DEM source resolution in meters, defaults to 10 m which is the highest resolution available over the US. Available options are 10, 30, and 60.


xarray.DataArray – The request DEM at the specified resolution.

Return type:
