
Core async functions.

Module Contents#

async_retriever.async_retriever.delete_url_cache(url, request_method='GET', cache_name=None, **kwargs)#

Delete cached response associated with url, along with its history (if applicable).

  • url (str) – URL to be deleted from the cache

  • request_method (str, optional) – HTTP request method to be deleted from the cache, defaults to GET.

  • cache_name (str, optional) – Path to a file for caching the session, defaults to ./cache/aiohttp_cache.sqlite.

  • kwargs (dict, optional) – Keywords to pass to the cache.delete_url().

async_retriever.async_retriever.retrieve(urls:[aiohttp.typedefs.StrOrURL], read_method: Literal['text'], request_kwds:[dict[str, Any]] | None = ..., request_method: Literal['get', 'GET', 'post', 'POST'] = ..., max_workers: int = ..., cache_name: pathlib.Path | str | None = ..., timeout: int = ..., expire_after: int = ..., ssl: ssl.SSLContext | bool | None = ..., disable: bool = ..., raise_status: bool = ...) list[str]#
async_retriever.async_retriever.retrieve(urls:[aiohttp.typedefs.StrOrURL], read_method: Literal['json'], request_kwds:[dict[str, Any]] | None = ..., request_method: Literal['get', 'GET', 'post', 'POST'] = ..., max_workers: int = ..., cache_name: pathlib.Path | str | None = ..., timeout: int = ..., expire_after: int = ..., ssl: ssl.SSLContext | bool | None = ..., disable: bool = ..., raise_status: bool = ...) list[dict[str, Any]] | list[list[dict[str, Any]]]
async_retriever.async_retriever.retrieve(urls:[aiohttp.typedefs.StrOrURL], read_method: Literal['binary'], request_kwds:[dict[str, Any]] | None = ..., request_method: Literal['get', 'GET', 'post', 'POST'] = ..., max_workers: int = ..., cache_name: pathlib.Path | str | None = ..., timeout: int = ..., expire_after: int = ..., ssl: ssl.SSLContext | bool | None = ..., disable: bool = ..., raise_status: bool = ...) list[bytes]

Send async requests.

  • urls (list of str) – List of URLs.

  • read_method (str) – Method for returning the request; binary, json, and text.

  • request_kwds (list of dict, optional) – List of requests keywords corresponding to input URLs (1 on 1 mapping), defaults to None. For example, [{"params": {...}, "headers": {...}}, ...].

  • request_method (str, optional) – Request type; GET (get) or POST (post). Defaults to GET.

  • max_workers (int, optional) – Maximum number of async processes, defaults to 8.

  • cache_name (str, optional) – Path to a file for caching the session, defaults to ./cache/aiohttp_cache.sqlite.

  • timeout (int, optional) – Requests timeout in seconds, defaults to 5.

  • expire_after (int, optional) – Expiration time for response caching in seconds, defaults to 2592000 (one week).

  • ssl (bool or SSLContext, optional) – SSLContext to use for the connection, defaults to None. Set to False to disable SSL certification verification.

  • disable (bool, optional) – If True temporarily disable caching requests and get new responses from the server, defaults to False.

  • raise_status (bool, optional) – Raise an exception if the response status is not 200. If False return None. Defaults to True.


list – List of responses in the order of input URLs.


>>> import async_retriever as ar
>>> stations = ["01646500", "08072300", "11073495"]
>>> url = ""
>>> urls, kwds = zip(
...     *[
...         (url, {"params": {"format": "rdb", "sites": s, "siteStatus": "all"}})
...         for s in stations
...     ]
... )
>>> resp = ar.retrieve(urls, "text", request_kwds=kwds)
>>> resp[0].split("\n")[-2].split("\t")[1]
async_retriever.async_retriever.retrieve_binary(urls, request_kwds=None, request_method='GET', max_workers=8, cache_name=None, timeout=5, expire_after=EXPIRE_AFTER, ssl=None, disable=False, raise_status=True)#

Send async requests and get the response as bytes.

  • urls (list of str) – List of URLs.

  • request_kwds (list of dict, optional) – List of requests keywords corresponding to input URLs (1 on 1 mapping), defaults to None. For example, [{"params": {...}, "headers": {...}}, ...].

  • request_method (str, optional) – Request type; GET (get) or POST (post). Defaults to GET.

  • max_workers (int, optional) – Maximum number of async processes, defaults to 8.

  • cache_name (str, optional) – Path to a file for caching the session, defaults to ./cache/aiohttp_cache.sqlite.

  • timeout (int, optional) – Requests timeout in seconds, defaults to 5.

  • expire_after (int, optional) – Expiration time for response caching in seconds, defaults to 2592000 (one week).

  • ssl (bool or SSLContext, optional) – SSLContext to use for the connection, defaults to None. Set to False to disable SSL certification verification.

  • disable (bool, optional) – If True temporarily disable caching requests and get new responses from the server, defaults to False.

  • raise_status (bool, optional) – Raise an exception if the response status is not 200. If False return None. Defaults to True.


bytes – List of responses in the order of input URLs.

Return type:


async_retriever.async_retriever.retrieve_json(urls, request_kwds=None, request_method='GET', max_workers=8, cache_name=None, timeout=5, expire_after=EXPIRE_AFTER, ssl=None, disable=False, raise_status=True)#

Send async requests and get the response as json.

  • urls (list of str) – List of URLs.

  • request_kwds (list of dict, optional) – List of requests keywords corresponding to input URLs (1 on 1 mapping), defaults to None. For example, [{"params": {...}, "headers": {...}}, ...].

  • request_method (str, optional) – Request type; GET (get) or POST (post). Defaults to GET.

  • max_workers (int, optional) – Maximum number of async processes, defaults to 8.

  • cache_name (str, optional) – Path to a file for caching the session, defaults to ./cache/aiohttp_cache.sqlite.

  • timeout (int, optional) – Requests timeout in seconds, defaults to 5.

  • expire_after (int, optional) – Expiration time for response caching in seconds, defaults to 2592000 (one week).

  • ssl (bool or SSLContext, optional) – SSLContext to use for the connection, defaults to None. Set to False to disable SSL certification verification.

  • disable (bool, optional) – If True temporarily disable caching requests and get new responses from the server, defaults to False.

  • raise_status (bool, optional) – Raise an exception if the response status is not 200. If False return None. Defaults to True.


dict – List of responses in the order of input URLs.

Return type:

list[dict[str, Any]] | list[list[dict[str, Any]]]


>>> import async_retriever as ar
>>> urls = [""]
>>> kwds = [
...     {
...         "params": {
...             "f": "json",
...             "coords": "POINT(-68.325 45.0369)",
...         },
...     },
... ]
>>> r = ar.retrieve_json(urls, kwds)
>>> print(r[0]["features"][0]["properties"]["identifier"])
async_retriever.async_retriever.retrieve_text(urls, request_kwds=None, request_method='GET', max_workers=8, cache_name=None, timeout=5, expire_after=EXPIRE_AFTER, ssl=None, disable=False, raise_status=True)#

Send async requests and get the response as text.

  • urls (list of str) – List of URLs.

  • request_kwds (list of dict, optional) – List of requests keywords corresponding to input URLs (1 on 1 mapping), defaults to None. For example, [{"params": {...}, "headers": {...}}, ...].

  • request_method (str, optional) – Request type; GET (get) or POST (post). Defaults to GET.

  • max_workers (int, optional) – Maximum number of async processes, defaults to 8.

  • cache_name (str, optional) – Path to a file for caching the session, defaults to ./cache/aiohttp_cache.sqlite.

  • timeout (int, optional) – Requests timeout in seconds in seconds, defaults to 5.

  • expire_after (int, optional) – Expiration time for response caching in seconds, defaults to 2592000 (one week).

  • ssl (bool or SSLContext, optional) – SSLContext to use for the connection, defaults to None. Set to False to disable SSL certification verification.

  • disable (bool, optional) – If True temporarily disable caching requests and get new responses from the server, defaults to False.

  • raise_status (bool, optional) – Raise an exception if the response status is not 200. If False return None. Defaults to True.


list – List of responses in the order of input URLs.

Return type:



>>> import async_retriever as ar
>>> stations = ["01646500", "08072300", "11073495"]
>>> url = ""
>>> urls, kwds = zip(
...     *[
...         (url, {"params": {"format": "rdb", "sites": s, "siteStatus": "all"}})
...         for s in stations
...     ]
... )
>>> resp = ar.retrieve_text(urls, kwds)
>>> resp[0].split("\n")[-2].split("\t")[1]
async_retriever.async_retriever.stream_write(urls, file_paths, request_kwds=None, request_method='GET', max_workers=8, ssl=None, chunk_size=None)#

Send async requests.

  • urls (list of str) – List of URLs.

  • file_paths (list of str or pathlib.Path) – List of file paths to write the response to.

  • request_kwds (list of dict, optional) – List of requests keywords corresponding to input URLs (1 on 1 mapping), defaults to None. For example, [{"params": {...}, "headers": {...}}, ...].

  • request_method (str, optional) – Request type; GET (get) or POST (post). Defaults to GET.

  • max_workers (int, optional) – Maximum number of async processes, defaults to 8.

  • ssl (bool or SSLContext, optional) – SSLContext to use for the connection, defaults to None. Set to False to disable SSL certification verification.

  • chunk_size (int, optional) – The size of the chunks in bytes to be written to the file, defaults to None, which will iterates over data chunks and write them as received from the server.


>>> import async_retriever as ar
>>> import tempfile
>>> url = ""
>>> with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as temp:
...     ar.stream_write([url], [])