
0.19.3 (2025-03-07)#

New Features#

  • Add a new argument to both get_bygeom and get_bycoords functions called validate_filesize. When set to True, the function checks the file size of the previously cached files and will re-download if the local filesize does not match that of the remote. Defaults to False. Setting this to False can be useful when you are sure that the cached files are not corrupted and just want to get the combined dataset more quickly. This is faster because it avoids web requests that are necessary for getting the file sizes.

Internal Changes#

  • Use TinyRetriever for all server requests. It offers the same functionalities as the previous _streaming module and has the same dependencies. It has a more robust handling of async threads and is more efficient.

0.19.2 (2025-01-17)#

This release is a major refactoring of the package to make it more lightweight and independent. The package now uses aiohttp and aiofiles with a limit on the number of simulnatious connections to the host, for handling all server requests. This avoids hammering the server with multiple requests and improves the performance and reliability of the package. The package no longer depends on other HyRiver libraries, making it more lightweight and faster to load.

Internal Changes#

  • Remove dependency on other HyRiver libraries to make the package more lightweight and independent.

  • Use aiohttp and aiofiles for handling all server requests. This avoids hammering the server with multiple requests and improves the performance and reliability of the package.

  • Remove dependency on geopandas and use shapely only for handling geometries. This makes the package more lightweight and faster.

Breaking Changes#

  • Remove the option to disable SSL in all functions. Now, SSL verification is always enabled.

0.18.0 (2024-10-05)#

New Features#

  • Add a new function called get_conus for downloading the daily meteorological data for the entire contiguous United States (CONUS) from the GridMet service, for given years and variables. This can be accessed from the CLI using, for example, pygridmet conus -y 2010 -v tmmn command.

Breaking Changes#

  • Drop support for Python 3.8 since its end-of-life date is October 2024.

  • Remove all exceptions from the main module and raise them from the exceptions module. This is to declutter the public API and make it easier to maintain.

0.17.1 (2024-09-14)#

Internal Changes#

  • A release without change to match the version of other HyRiver packages.

0.17.0 (2024-05-07)#

Internal Changes#

  • Add the exceptions module to the high-level API to declutter the main module. In the future, all exceptions will be raised from this module and not from the main module. For now, the exceptions are raised from both modules for backward compatibility.

  • Switch to using the src layout instead of the flat layout for the package structure. This is to make the package more maintainable and to avoid any potential conflicts with other packages.

  • Add artifact attestations to the release workflow.

0.16.0 (2024-01-03)#

  • Initial release on PyPI.